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 ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh

اذهب الى الأسفل 
5 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 12:50 am

[left]Whatever happened to relationships, they still are defined as the healthy bond between men and women.
Yes indeed. Healthy.
3melet search 3al google la shouf shou ya3ni healthy: 'nutritious, nourishing'
ya3ni iza je3 el zalameh, biyekol ejer marto. W hiyyeh iza je3it, she'd eat his brains (talking about two body parts which are respectively unused)

I cant understand men. It is a fact. They are assholes, it is a truth. Between a fact and a truth, the absence of proof stands in the way.

'Some plants are able to survive for long periods on only the water that collects on leaves from dew/mist/fog, but it varies widely by plant.'
3am jarrib e3temid hal tari2a. surviving for as much as I can, for long man-less heavenly periods, only on memories collected from my past experiences and dreams cooked by the crazy entity that I love to call my brain. My dear little brain, how much you help me, making me re-live the past, embellished and perfected to the extent I start telling myself 'w er, shu ken yi7ebbneh hal zalameh!'…I keep forgetting his shy eyes when anyone saw me with him, and his dreamless mind which stopped me from smiling.

With all the women in the world, I proudly yell, inside, 'er bel shabeb'
Inno really, the Lebanese way, ill ask 'behon shi bi rason?'.
But then comes to my mind the voice of a friend telling me to sleep with him to get over with my obsession about sex.
Again very true, my almost deadly indifference must hide a burning fire of lust. People who don’t read road signs are called idiots, given a fine and sometimes taken to jail…how about people who can't read people?
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كمال خوري
كمال خوري

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
العمر : 38
الاوسمة : ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Thank
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: i love it   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 2:53 am

i think that what you wrote is important on two levels.

first of all, maybe this is a cultural shock lal shabab in the movement, inno a lebanese (amasing) girl saying "o err" this is so nice, i love it, aslan, knowing you, inti shock kteer kbeere la7alik, inno mish cultural shock, bas a shock, inti you are a very nice lovely shock

second: la2 ya mama, il "shebeb" mish assholes, il "shebeb" ma "behon shi", i think the problem with relationships is usually us, personally,m o what we want, o what is offered on the market, maybe what you want isnt offered, o inti ya3ni mashallah biddek some knight yiji 3a white horse(o these went out of market after the industrial revolution!) fa yeahh... "shway shway 3al shebeb", ma into kaman il sabaya ishi birfa3 il daghet (ofcourse, i mean all sabaya with the exception of the one and only one!), fa yeahh, into as Ziad puts it "nafsie jowa nafsie jowa nafsie zay il khasse allah wakeelak!".

i loved the comparison to the plants, i would have been disappointed if you didnt, la2inno thats you, you do things by trees plants, flowers, fa that was nice, o i didnt get it, who isnt reading people well?
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مأمون الصقور
ثوري عالمي
مأمون الصقور

عدد الرسائل : 89
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 12:37 pm

cute and nice text,,, i really love it.. but once again shwai shwai 3ala alshabab Smile
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 7:21 pm

i ma 3am yefham el signs wel people wel wade3 kello henneh el shabeb ya kamal.
(n.b:kiss ekht hek text ma 3am ba3ref ektebo 3al shmel!)

ma2moun..dont give me a 'cute' comment please ...:)ta3assob dodd el cuteness
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يساري متقدم

انثى عدد الرسائل : 16
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 7:31 pm

Haha… I really enjoyed reading the post, bas inno sho sayer ma3ek???

I do not think guys are assholes, wala idiots… Actually, I like guys way more than girls.

Most of them (and I mean most – not all) are just simple. They react to whatever we do. So, it is all about what a female does. O once you understand it, then you will steer a relationship however you can. Inno seriously, no offense guys, bas this is how it is. Males are simply on another frequency… once you tune in, 5alas… Differences between men and women are amazing, maybe small or big differences, but could have significant impact on relationships (o probably you know all this).

(Take for example when a female meets her spouse after a day’s work, naturally, she would start telling him about how tiring her day was… here, she is just talking and needs someone to hear her… and ONLY hear her… a male, on the other hand, would take it personally, feels she is blaming him and that he failed in being a protector and supporter, so he will start offering solutions to solve what irritated her… which will only annoy her, and make her feel that he is not listening… (I know, it doesn’t add up)… he doesn’t know he only needs to listen o sympathize, o she doesn’t know that it is only his nature to offer solutions!) – (reference: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

I donno about this man-less idea… inno plants do it because there is no other choice… Good luck though, and if it does work… please tell me how  Bas I don’t know which is more rewarding, being man-less o getting out of all the hassle, or compiling all past and new experience o going thought the hassle o trying to figure them out…! What do you think?

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يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 7:47 pm

[left]maybe it wasnt clear, but im not generalizing ..it is based on a personal experience.
as RAFIK kamal, kinda know the walls ive been through:) b7ess kermel hek biyefhamneh shway aktar..the absurdity and absence of logic in relationships .
lets make it contextual, talking about men in lebanon, no matter how much the relationship was strong, society and family pressures are crucial in deciding the livelihood and extent of the relation. examples are:sects, social classes, political parties and bluntly religions. zalameh masi7eh baddo yetjawwaz meselmeh, aw wa7ad meslim yedhar/yetjawwaz masi7iyyeh, bet2oum el deniya w bte23od.
i dont know if you also heard about the amazing number of divorces and breakups that happened after the political problems between sunnis and shi3as..
simply men , in the arab world, are unable to fight society and the norms. 'emmeh aletleh, bayyeh ma biye2bal, 3aylteh btez3al''...er ne7na rjel aktar mennon Smile
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يساري متقدم

انثى عدد الرسائل : 16
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 8:02 pm

Ana kont 3am ba3ale2 3ala osset “guys are assholes and idiots…”

Bas about this…

I don’t know if this is about guys wella personalities, inno many times women are not wiling to fight too… I think even more than men, women are not willing to fight, more than men, especially in our societies. And it is everywhere in the world, the political differences, the religion differences… and other you mentioned, but they are way less, la2ano the culture is not so high in context zay 3inna. Bas yes, you are right… o it is frustrating when they don’t want to fight….

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يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 8:10 pm

mish mazbout...
taking it from my own experience, an dthe women im in contact with, and the talks...man we are so strong.women are tough.
kamal, remember how u used to talk about palestinian women
look at moms, look at wives, look into the details of their lives, everyday struggles..bta3erfeh addeh aweya? bta3erfeh addeh ne7na a2wa men jouwwa?
and it is not true that we dont want to fight, and i know what im talking about, and kamal can back me up here: when a woman wants something, she can truly fight the whole world for it.
kamal, d3amneh bra2yak ya zalameh:)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 8:12 pm

[left]3a janab:
jana=يساري بدائي==>shu cute...im a PRIMITIVE leftist..the best there is! Smile
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كمال خوري
كمال خوري

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
العمر : 38
الاوسمة : ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Thank
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: walla3at   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالسبت يونيو 28, 2008 10:29 pm

mmm, lets see, Jana and Jolie are discussing something, and i have to take a stand... i think il pass on that!!

am glad that relationship issues are on the discussion boards of the montada, this is good, relationships and more accurately the "unrelationships" that we get involved in are a major part of our being and consciousness i think its nice and important to be discussed.

i think the problem is always personal. never generalized. its a matter of sodaf.

i do understand what Jana is saying, o can communicate with her, o i do understand what Jolie is saying, bas ma fi majal to take a stand, la2inno biseer mashakil
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
يساري متقدم

انثى عدد الرسائل : 16
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالأحد يونيو 29, 2008 2:05 am

haha... leh yseer mashakil.... 3adi, please feel free to say whatever you want.... inno this is montada Yassari... if you can't express here, ossa! fee free Kamal.... Smile wella sho ra2yek Jana????

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مهند السعافين
يساري متقدم
مهند السعافين

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 16
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مممممممممممممممم   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالأحد يونيو 29, 2008 2:27 am

بعد إذنكم رفاق سأكتب بالعربية

الى جنى أو جنا مش عارف .....طيب ماشي Jana

لقد إستخدمتي أغلوطة التعميم في المنطق عندما أطلقت الصفات والاتهامات - المسبات بلا زغرة- على كل الشباب أو الرجال بالاحرى.

إزا حابة يحكيلك الشباب عن معاناتهم مع مختلف الشخصيات من كلى الطرفين -أكلنا هوا- رح تسمعي العجب
وبس بدي أحكيلك عني مثلا كل علاقاتي إنتهت بنفس السبب اللي ذكرتي ,بابا ما بسمحلي بخاف أهلي يشوفوني زميلي بالشغل بروح على هدا المحل,والمصيبة الاكبر بالدين و جربتها بالديانتين المسيحية والاسلامية والثنتين أكثر رجعية من الاخرى
وحدة مثلا لا إلها خص بالدين ولا بتعرف الله إلا بالمناسبات بدها اياني أوعدها لما نكبر أروح معها عالحج -فسلمتها مفاتيح الحرم - وذهبت بحال سبيلي .

ويللي بيحكي أنو الرجل أقوى من المرأة والرجل بيتحكم بعواطفو أكثر ,ما هي إلا نتيجة عقلية التسلط والامراض النفسية المستعصية في مجتمعاتنا ياللي مخها معكوف وبيفرد. @

وبعدين المشكلة في الصبايا ياللي بيسكتو على القمع والمعانا داخل البيت والمجتمع بيفرضو حالة الضعف والتسلط ضدهم بدل التمرد - يلعنو رب المجتمع علي فيه- وفرض واقعهم الجديد مش متل اللي بيحكي -والله ما بئيدنا حيلة شو بدنا نعمل-.

شو جولي حاسك متحمسة للموضوع شو القصة bounce

مهند afro
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كمال خوري
كمال خوري

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 41
العمر : 38
الاوسمة : ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Thank
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: mmmm, lets see   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالأحد يونيو 29, 2008 6:46 am

i kinda have to agree with jana, the palestinian, (or for example, check out now, the Iraqi woman) has been doing for years what the palestinian man cant,, she raises the kids, the husband, and the cause, i think looking at the subject of equality or "strength" as Jana puts it should not be done through studying specific cases nor specific details of the woman's life, but the over all pressure she under goes and the daily battles she fights. so i kinda gotta agree with that.

another thing, so fi strength o "nidal" yawm, but why isnt there a feminist movement that can change the situation? i dont know!!

maybe the form of the feminist movements in the palestinian refugee camps comes in the shape of those small جمعيات نسائية, and these offices, might be the palesitnian style feminism, that is not mlokhie and na3na3 free, and does not clash with the social norms and habits like the great feminist movement in west. but then again, how do they do it then? i dont know, is raising a generation of fighters (not the current generation, but i mean the ones that preceeded it) make up for the thier rights?

i really dont know, really, bas i do see some kind of strength in the palestinian woman, ishi aktar than the male, maybe the palestinian malke has his masculinity to lose, while the woman has been suffering oppression since the moment she was born.

Hicham sharabi says that the reason why girls look more mature at a young age than the boys (who are at the same age) is a result of discrimination. while the boy gets more attention (because he is more important, because he is a boy, because of the penus) so his maturity is delayed because of the parent's care, the girl on the other hand, grows up more naturally (and lets add healthy) because of the ignoring she faces. she is one of the members that will not be counted in the family (like when the number of male kids only is said, not the female kids) she will sweep, cook, clean, serve, shut up when told to, and raise her younger brothers and sisters! after that, she is married to a male she does not know, and throughout her life, she will carry the same curse to her daughters, and she will suffer from proverbs, religious teachings, and a cultural and belief system that will oppress her, make less of her, and chain her, other than insulting her as human being and considering her half the man, (even the comparison is done to a man) and specify her role, dreams, plans, and her life path in the kitchen, the bed room, and the kids...then she is prevented from objecting to this, she is prevented from saying no, or even show contempt, she is oppressed in her individuality, her speech, and her right to think freely without being afraid from anyone!!

maybe the fact that Palestinian women are so strong, is because e they know that their husbands and fathers masculinity is worth nothing, is a piece of shit, and that a small israeli kid dressed as a soldier can kick her fathers AND husbands ass, together, simultaneously, maybe she learned that the "man"'s penus is worht nothing much, and his deeds, actions, and their position compared to what is normal and "right" is mroe important. So, she raised better kids? or maybe became a fighter in her everyday life?

i seriously have no idea....
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يساري بدائي

انثى عدد الرسائل : 9
العمر : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/06/2008

ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh   ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh Emptyالأحد يونيو 29, 2008 12:11 pm

[left]kamal, i totally agree with you. i even saw that in the more 'modern' arab societies.
even in cities, this still happens, but morphing into modernity.
the girls are raised 'to please', 'be nice', 'ouleh merci lal tante', 'wear nice clothes' ...el mohemm attract the GUY and his FAMILY la 7atta tbayyin 3arous mni7 w yetjawwaza.
eza zabat ma3a w fetit 3al jem3a, lezim: telbos ka3eb, tzabbit 7ala..the role of university becomes less educational than a social space for meeting a guy who belongs to a certain social class, behaves 'decently', 3am bifattish 3a 3arous..bikhallis jem3a, 'biyetwazzaf bi bank' (the dream-killer, the safety control measure li bi akkid lal moujtama3 inno hayda el ensen ma 7a yikoun 3ando shi nhar fekra la elo, he wont be innovative in any way, defy the system or have dreams...hayda l shi darouri la yet2akkado that ur brain-dead)
el mohemm biyetwazzaf w biyetjawwaza.
to make this cream come true, the girl has to behave one specific way, and the guy too.talking about robots, and totally brain-dead creatures.
fa la tenfiz hal 7elem el ijtime3eh mish el shakhseh 3ala fekra (la2enno houwweh bi2ammin istemrar el moujtama3 3ala ma houwa 3alayhi mish aktar), el sabeh wel benet biyetrabbo men henneh we zghar bi tari2a m3ayyaneh.
houwweh kell el 7emel 3leh: inta el rejjel, inta el abaday, ma tebkeh, inta bokra baddak ta3mil 3ayleh...fa bitemm nafkh el ego li houwweh hawa men jouwa, fa bisabbib faragh dekhileh mouri3..inno mamnou3 el sabeh yikoun 3ando e7ses aw yikoun d3if...fa bikhabbeh el do3of and he grows fragile inside, but full of the socially needed attributes from outside.
the girl on the other hand, she is raised to be a doll.halla2 el mawdou3 biyet3a22ad lamma el benet bet7ess inno fi shi teneh, there is more to that in life..thats when she yawns through the long conversations of discussing egyptian actors, movies, fashion and weddings.
im giving examples from my context again.
Sorry Mouhannad if i sounded generalizing, but again 'my context' means my own experience and friction with the subject, and I think im too much involved for me to be different.
So give me your input, do u have examples of men revolting on the situation?

(n.b: the name is jana in Arabic ma3 alef ma2soura: jana yajni mish yajnou, ana seret baddeh 3allim adab 3arabeh lal ourdouniyeh? 3ayb!Very Happy)
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ekhir el leil, afkar benet ma ba2a ela jledeh
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